
Ed Tech Endorsement


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Full program description

Teachers who are looking to get an educational technology endorsement have two options:

  1. Utah Education Network (UEN)
    The UEN Educational Technology Endorsement Program is grounded in the USBE Ed Tech Competencies and the Utah Effective Teaching Standards. This endorsement program is designed by UEN and approved by the Utah State Board of Education. Credit earned in the program can be used for salary lane changes. Coursework can be applied toward a Master's degree from Southern Utah University or Utah Valley University.

  2. Southern Utah University (SUU)
    Teachers can receive Utah endorsements directly through SUU! These graduate-level credit courses are taught at the 5000 level, and are approved through the Utah State Board of Education. The courses are: 7-weeks long, fully online, and cost: $100/credit (or $300 a class).
    Note: Due to a grant provided by USBE, the Ed Tech Endorsement will be offered at no cost to teacjers who are currently teaching at a K-12 school within the state of Utah.